Wednesday 10 August 2016

Quote of the Week

I do understand that I don't have to be evil, but where's the fun in being good?

Everyone may tell you to be nice and kind to others but who says you can't be evil at the same  time? To achieve this maybe you could throw in a little prank here and there and give them a small scare, afterall the most memorable things in life are always the most hectic ones. 

♕Bye Wolvez!

I'm Alive!

I'm Alive!


Sure has been a WHILE since I last posted on here, HAHA
*Ahem* Okay, Let's get down to business....if there were any. 
But.......I DO have some updates for you guys. wooooo

➸ Updates
»Follow my wattpad account- 
to find out my latest updates and play some of my games/see my most recent artwork!
»Most likely will start posting here maybe once a week or whenever I'm free
That's all for now! 
♕Bye Wolvez!